Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stop Looking Down! Start Looking Up!

Ever since I started this entrepreneurial marketing course I have been taken on an psychological roller coaster.
One week I do very well and the prospects of passing are looking bright while the next I bomb an assignment or test and think there is no chance for me. 
It keeps on happening and I keep stressing. Now that I am close to the finish line, it's just an endurance game! In the end I realize that no matter what happens, I will come out much stronger than I was back in January as this is the true purpose of this course. 
So from today on, I will try to stop looking down and hopefully things will start to look up for me!

Sweater: Club Monaco
Skirt: H&M
Tights: Calvin Klein
Bag: Mulberry
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell
Brooch: Vintage


Eszter said...

I love this look, it's so soft and feminine. And I love the new layout as well, très chic!

Djevojčica s torbicama said...

Don`t like the Cambells but that`s just me, you look as cute and lovely as always ;)

ColourMePretty said...

Eu nu-s asa o mare iubitoare a SUA si Canada, ma cam sperie distanta si stilul de viata foarte diferit....insa cu siguranta iubesc faptul ca acolo fiecare poate fi el insusi si exista maxima toleranta, te imbraci cum vrei fara sa se uite lumea ca la circ cum patesti in Romania daca indraznesti sa inovezi si sa fii aparte. La noi daca nu ai "uniforma" strazii, esti fie depasita, fie ciudata. Imi plac asa mult constructiile tale evstimentare si fotografiile, aici cred ca te-ar arde pe rugul prejudecatilor :)) Eu daca port scurt si ruj intens nu o data am auzit calificative urate la adresa moralitatii, pentru ei si mintile lor inguste scurt = bitch.
Imi place mult fusta, nu m-as fi gandit ca da asa bine inclusa intr-un outfit casual-relaxat.

Sara said...

I love the outfit: you did an amazing job pairing the glittery skirt with that wonderful white sweater cape, the beret and brooch also look great. As for your resolution I think is the best one: you can only try and do your best, the stressing won't help a bit just drug you down, looking up seems like a great plan!:)

My Fashion Tale said...

You look gorgeous as allways Mina!

fashion doctor said...

fabulous shoes!!!fabulous look!

Style-Pursuit said...

BEAUTIFUL! And I'd love to borrow that sequined skirt from you... it's a real dream piece!!! :o)


classiq said...

The beret and skirt are lovely! Good luck with your exam! And generally speaking, being optimistic always helps, more than you can imagine. :) Ada

Femme Virtue said...

good luck in your course! i'm struggling too, assignments are not my thing...

mispapelicos said...

I am so glad my beautiful friend.
You look so FABOULISTA fabulous.

Anda Zelenca said...

So classy!:X

Anaivilo said...

Oh that skirt is so wonderful!! So sparkly :X An well..from what I've heard ASE has a partnership with our University or something so they held a few exhibitions before there. Sure there are other galleries and I've seen them too during my first year when I didn't had my blog. And I guess they wanted to show the works out of the school grounds for more people to see.

Rosie said...

Good luck with your course, I hope it goes well for you!

I really love this combo, the two textures are so pretty together. Also, I was so close to buying this skirt :P I wish I had, it looks so fabulous and versatile!

The Hearabouts said...

Oh Mina, stay strong and positive and things will definitely work out for you , I'm sure :).

The outfit is fab and classy, I love the texture of the sweater and I also like your nailpolish a lot.


Secondhand Stella said...

Yes, stay positive!!!!!

Holly said...

i love your nail colour here! and of course the JC shoes :)

stay positive & don't beat yourself up over it. as you said, you'll only come out stronger!

there is no progress if you don't struggle.

julia louise said...

lovee the shoes!

Bronzed Humanity said...

OMG i feel you on school! Its hard...stick with it, always pays off! Love the sparkly skirt!

Hot Pink Day

Unknown said...

I love the skirt!! these pics show a great style!! kiss

Susu Paris Chic said...

Just so sweet, the nails, the ruffles, your pretty face... You look so beautiful looking down, but do look up! I know about mental roller-coasters. If we just stick to it, sit through the difficult moments - not so easy, but doable - the sun always comes out. And we can feel proud of making it through.

hot girl said...

Nice Blog...
Lovely Picture.

Jelena Zivanovic said...

this is divine look,u're so pretty and feminine,the beret hat is adorable!!!:))

De Vero said...

Waw Mina, I'm so envy of your skirt and boots! You look gorgoeus like always! Great photography!!

Oh to Be a Muse said...

good for you Mina! i'm sending good vibes your way with this course. you just keep rockin' beautiful outfits! said...

mina, if you are ever in Australia, we must catch up!!! Love your style- great brooch!

Jessie said...

Love this look!! The skirt, and bag are amazing!!! Good luck with class, I am sure you'll get through it!


Prity said...
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Prity said...

you know.. the best abut your photos is the locations you choose to be clicked!! It just goes with your dress up!

I like them so so much!

Jessica Mura said...

I like your outfit, so cute ^^ I hope to see you in my blog and if you like it,we can follow each other :D

Georgia said...

Love the Jeffrey Campbells! they look great with your outfits. I've changed the name on my blog since your last comment (Something Else LTD) and ive started to update it more!

Georgia said...

Love the Jeffrey Campbells! they look great with your outfits. I've changed the name on my blog since your last comment (Something Else LTD) and ive started to update it more!

The Hearabouts said...

Ow, you shouldn't feel left out:(. We would have loved to have you here with us!

Yet I understand you, that's how I felt when I wasn't able to attend the AbFab fair.

Anyway, hopefully it won't be long until we finally meet :D.


Sasha said...

How come you always look so pretty and simply stunning. Feminine and fierce at the same time?! Unbelievable! looove the skirt! You are rocking it, girl!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog earlier! xoxo

Lara @ Uproad said...

... but never stop looking amazing! well done, Mina!

Aurélie & Malau said...

Ta jupe est super jolie :) avec des collants opaques c'est très classe :)

Anonymous said...

well, i am very glad and proud that you're able to mantain yourself up!
hopefully i'll learn that too, someday.
yet indeed a marketing course is interesting, even if it may come up with issues, i've had them too.

ps: ♥ your skirt and nails!

a dreamer

Anonymous said...

J'adore votre beret!! and your skirt is tres chic :D