Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reversing into Fall

Dress & Necklace: Vintage
Tights & Shoes: H&M

I was planning on a more summary outfit since it's been so hot in Vancouver lately. But by the time my photographer came home yesterday, it got really cold outside therefore I had to resort to this fall dress.

P.S. Yes i know the hem of the dress has come undone. I'm just to lazy to sew it back on.


Aline said...

That is such a pretty dress, love it!

thefatandskinnyonfashion said...

you changed the header. cute!

Amazing Style said...

esti foarte copila in tinuta asta! din nou complimente

annie marie. said...

hello and thank you for your message, and hope you will have a wonderful day... is it ok if i follow you on here?

Larissa said...

Those H&M heels are lush, they compliment your outfit so well


Eda said...

That dress is so beautiful! PS: I like the new header.

Unknown said...

foarte frumos

Lily Zemuner said...

Mina, your dress is really nice and classic. I liked the color. And those heels, oh my, amazing!


AliceSeagull said...

I like your hair today :)
And shoes are to die for!

Denisa L said...

yes,I'm in my last year of highschool...

love the embelished detailes of the dress...and the new header

Bruna Matos said...

So pretty!
Really you are fabulous girl!
I loved this dress ^^
p.s:i'm brazilian,sorry for poor english!

Dário Shoupaiwisky said...

1 kiss for you

alineaimee said...

Hey, Mina!
What a lovely dress! I'm totaly in love with your shoes!
Thanks for the compliment on the shirt.




hola que zapatos mas geniales que guapa te vez

Anonymous said...

You look great! Our weather's been so weird hasn't it?? It looks so hot then it's actually stupid cold.

Trisch xo

Vertiginoso said...

OOoooh AND it truly sounds as a classy foreshadowing of Autumn, very "Girlie Romantique" !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Deveria estar estudando said...

Perfect shoes!!!!

chalortte said...

OMG I love this !

Denisa L said...

da a fost...
si l-am simtit destul de tare..
stau la etajul 9:-j

Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...

Those shoes + that dress= LOVE!!!


Unknown said...

Beautiful pics.!! You are looking super gorgeous. Your dress is darling and i'd love it with some over-the-knee socks.