Friday, July 9, 2010

Leopard print a la Audrey

Wearing:H&M skirt and top,vintage bag, traditional Romanian necklace from the Peasant Museum bought on my latest trip to Romania.

Quick post again. Sorry but I was planning on posting these earlier tonight. Then I decided to go out for a couple of drinks. A couple turned into toooo many and here I am again under the influence.Blame it on the new heat wave!

In my interview for Marvelous Things I was asked in the same question what do I prefer: "stripes or leopard? Audrey or Marylin?" If you read it, then you would know that I choose leopard and Audrey. Here is an outfit that shows How Ms. Audrey would wear leopard.I added my own little bohemian touch with the necklace cause damn I just love boho/gypset/ethnic inspired things more than anything else.I've also realized I use Damn a lot. Not just in writing but in everyday conversations as well.

On another note, I bought my first Mac in my life and BOY is it hard switching from a PC to it. I'll let you in on a little secret... I'm completely technologically challenged. If it wasn't for my darling boyfriend I basically would have no blog....and NO I'm not blogging from it right now cause mixing my challengeness (NOT a word) with my hmmm.... problem at the moment... well things wouldn't turn too well!


Anonymous said...

lovely outfit. I really like the top!

Unknown said...

the necklace is so cute. bring out the outfit which i love. :) love your shoes as well

Susu Paris Chic said...

The way you pair up and contrast colors is just remarkable!

Insomnia said...

I love leopard too ^^
This necklace adds a nice touch of color to the outfit.
I have a pc too and my bf has a mac, so I know what you're talking about!

rachael said...

So many things I love about this post!
-You're always wonderful mix of print and colour
-That vintage bag... kind of has a Muse shape to it
-Leopard print, it is a weakness
-annnnd the switch to Mac. Once you get used to it, it is great for the technologically challenged!

rachael said...

So many things I love about this post!
-You're always wonderful mix of print and colour
-That vintage bag... kind of has a Muse shape to it
-Leopard print, it is a weakness
-annnnd the switch to Mac. Once you get used to it, it is great for the technologically challenged!

ColourMePretty said...

as always,lovely outfit! Is the colour of your hair natural? If not,please tell me what do you use cause that's the one i want to obtain and i never did. Each dark brown i had eventually got reddish shine and i deeply dislike that.

Alice in vintageland said...

Oh, my! I looove this outfit so much - you really are a master of "classy with a twist". Kisses:)

Ana said...

Mina the bag is AMAZING:) and you paired it perfectly with the blouse, I think I'm starting to love animal prints more and more:)

Jessica Weingarten said...

Stunning outfit as always! So classic!


Sybil said...

wonderful outfit!! it's so modest and classy!!!! love your purse! :D

Animated Confessions

thefatandskinnyonfashion said...

love the outfit. congrats on the mac. i love my mac more than my pc now. it was hard at first, but then i got used to it.

PinkFleurette said...

It took me a while to get used to the Mac interface compared to the Windows interface, but I ended up liking Windows better. Easier to troubleshoot, and more games are available for it :D

Great way to wear leopard without it looking like it came from a bad 80's B movie. You look very chic, I think it's the color scheme that really brings it all together.

Classy and Delicious

Shamini said...

love this top!
you look very cute love!